What's the Key to Healthy Eyesight? Meso-Zeaxanthin!
Why is Meso Zeaxanthin so effective? It has to do with the fact that Meso-Zeaxanthin is concentrated at the center of the macula. That's where our vision is sharpest. While the other macular pigments, Zeaxanthin and Lutein, are found further off the center of the macula. In short, Meso-Zeaxanthin is a more powerful neutralizer of free radicals and blocks a wider range of damaging blue light.
MacuHealth has a unique formulation of 10mg of Meso-Zeaxanthin, 10mg of Lutein, and 2mg of Zeaxanthin. Daily dosage is one capsule per day. In fact, recent studies show that Meso-Zeaxanthin is absorbed into the blood serum and macular pigment levels are increased. MacuHealth is the only nutritional supplement available with a significant amount of Meso-Zeaxanthin. Do not be fooled by claims of other supplements purporting to contain Meso-Zeaxanthin. By patent, only MacuHealth contains the Meso-Zeaxanthin needed to afford protection. While not available in stores, it can be purchased from the manufacturer by clicking on the Macuhealth picture at the beginning of this section. As a service to our patients, Pearson Eyecare Group also carry it in our office in Phoenix, AZ.
View this 20 minute video to learn about some very exciting developments from the American Macular Degeneration Foundation. Saving Sight Through Research and Education: A BRIGHTER TOMORROW
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