Didn't you hear? 40 is the new 30!
Of course, others will tell you 65 is the new 45 but no matter what the case, experiencing all life has to offer with clear vision is crucial in our later years.
That's why macular degeneration is of such concern. While you might not have heard of it, that doesn't make it's effects any less devastating. Age-related Macular Degeneration also known as AMD is a progressive disease that gradually destroys central vision.
It can impair your ability to perform everyday tasks such as reading, driving or watching television. Worse yet, imagine being robbed of the ability to appreciate the details of a loved one’s face! The sad fact is that macular degeneration takes a heavy toll on not only on the individuals affected but friends and family members as well since routine tasks such as paying bills, going to the grocery store, or even preparing meals requires assistance.
What's more, AMD is more common than Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s disease and Breast Cancer combined. This devestating disease affects one in five families and is the leading cause of blindness for those over 50 in North America and Europe. In fact, at age 60 the odds of developing AMD are one in ten, by age 75 the odds are one in four.However, with regular screenings and early detection there is hope! At Peason Eyecare we are committed to using the latest research and technology to diagnose and treat Macular Degeneration. Contact our Phoenix, AZ eye doctor to learn more or to book an appointment.